Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I always have good intentions

Hm. I wrote this on the 18th and it didn't publish yet. Let's try this again...

A List of Things To Do always sits in my head. It is constantly growing. There are not enough hours in the day.

My days of work are filled with no free time on the internet. I have fallen behind on correspondence and I don't like it one bit. I have to decide between writing in here or writing back to someone. Yet, my chances to do either are rare.

The conditions for snowboarding have only worsened. It has been raining here like crazy and we've been experiencing record high tempurature. We have adventures on the weekend. I should be more diligent about writing about them here before I forget them. Although the conditions have sucked, we've still managed to go snowboarding every weekend. However, there will be no snowboarding this weekend since all of the resorts have closed due to the rain & warm weather.

What is up with this weird weather everywhere?

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