Thursday, January 15, 2004

The Program Manager has yet to get back to Paula to confirm an interview. It was meant to be today or tomorrow. He's going back to Cincinnati next week. Maybe he decided not to do the final interview. I wish they would just tell Paula something. I can only hope that he will get back to her tonight/tomorrow morning to confirm the tentative interview for tomorrow afternoon.

My exciting life today: I helped Tony clean & organize his huge closet. It's really much more than a closet. It's a second room. I really didn't do much of the organizing - it was all him. But I helped with the cleaning because that's what I'm good at. Yesterday afternoon, I didn't get to cleaning my bedroom because the organizing of my storage unit took all of my energy. I finally put together those shelved that I bought when I first moved here. Progress!

Last night, we went to Julie's to watch Angel. We mostly go to make her happy. There gets to be so many people there and she doesn't have enough places to sit. Plus, her house smelled like they rarely clean the litterboxes. 5 humans & 6 cats live there. Anyhoo, Angel was funny last night.

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