Tuesday, August 23, 2005

And I was just reminded

I was looking through the Daily photos on Dooce and saw the bike accident one. It reminded me of the incident that happened on Saturday.

Saturday morning, Tony & I are hanging out and we get a call from Natalie saying, "Let's go have a celebratory lunch!" since she just finished her last final of this semester (working full time and going to school ain't easy, kids). After our lovely lunch at El Greco, Chris, Tony & I head to Chris' car to go shopping for wedding presents & stuff to wear to the event. As we are walking up the hill, a guy flies by us on his bike. Then..the CRASH.

Poor guy...the grocery bags he had HANGING FROM HIS HANDLE got caught in his wheel. Duh. We stayed with him until the medics came. No serious injuries...maybe a dislocated shoulder. He did have lots of scrapes. Poor Forest. He was totally in shock...I felt bad for the guy. At one point, he told the medics that he had been in a bike accident before and had post traumatic stress disorder from it. My question is...then why weren't you wearing a helmut?!?

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