Monday, August 08, 2005

My second home

We are all moved in to the new office. I worked a 12.5 hour day on Friday since the movers showed up with a too-small truck and it took them 11 hours to move all of the office furniture. ugh. But it's done! And that is good news, folks. After being at the old office all day on Friday supervising the sweaty men, I took off to the new office after they left with the second load. As soon as I walk in the door, Eric starts complaining about his office. I was a bit aghast since he was the one who chose not to give any input and pretty much said he didn't care. I essentially said that we weren't even going to think about making any changes right now since we just moved in. It made him mad, but jeez! give me a break, guy! I fretted about it a bit this weekend, but all was good by today. I think he realized that he was being a dummy.

Other than that, everyone else loves the place and is very happy. however, Friday was a day where I really needed to be in two places at once. It was a little stressful at the new office since no one was stepping up and making sure things got done. According to Tony, everyone was just wandering around as if they were lost and forgot they had jobs to do. After getting annoyed by everyone, Tony decided to start directing people into getting stuff done even though he doesn't like to take the leadership role. After telling Ralph what happened on Friday, Ralph has decided to officially announce to everyone that when he's gone, i'm boss. We'll see how that goes.

i was pretty pooped after leaving work at 9:30pm on Friday. Tony was a sweetie and stuck around with me until the movers were done. We drove back to the city and then tooled on over to Chris' to hang out for a bit.

Saturday, i dragged myself out of bed to go get poked by needles. Afterwards, i scooted to Target to try and find camping chairs for tony & I. I just wasn't impressed with the selection. I scooted on back home and then Chris came to pick us up and we went out to brunch. I spend the afternoon napping and being lazy. Tony & I then went to a fabulous restaurant to celebrate our 2-year anniversary. yay!

Sunday, we went over to Chris' house again to watch The Blue Angels fly around Lake Washington for the close of SeaFair. It was loud and full of testosterone. After the show ended, T & I went into the office to do some unpacking and organizing so things would be nice-looking and functional for everyone when they got in in the morning. We then headed back to the city to meet up with Julie, Natalie, Chris and Sol for dinner at Jai Thai. Mmmm!

That was my weekend in a nutshell. I am tired.

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