Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Day-After-Xmas!

We are enjoying a relaxing day off before we head back to work after our vacation. I've done some stuff around the house like unpack and take down the christmas decorations and thought I should balance my checkbook. Thoughts of doing a bit of shopping today have crossed my mind but I fear the day-after-xmas crowds.

Our holiday in Houston was lovely. It was good to spend quality time with the family. Cameron is a doll. I'll post pictures to my Flickr account in the very near future.

I was able to send off gifts to Kiker and Betsy the Tuesday before we left and I even sent them UPS/overnight delivery but they still didn't get their packages in time for X-mas. I tried! I know Paul's gift has been shipped, but he has yet to receive it. I am hoping Mom's gift is waiting for me at work so I can ship it off tomorrow.

OK, i think i'll brave the crowds at Target to pick up a few household needs.

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