Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's all about the taste

Before I ramble on about my weekend, I would first like to comment on the pros and cons of junk food. The only pro I know of is that it tastes good. The cons are pretty obvious. The one that gets me every time is that I eat the junk food and then feel ill. Why oh why must the idea of eating Cheetoes sound really good? I regret it every time yet still haven't learned.

The question is, would I be able to give up junk food?

OK - so the weekend went a little like this: My Friday started way too early for my liking. Since Tony had the car, I had to catch a ride with Eric & Jess to work. They had planned to come in at 7am so that is what I did. The bonus to this is that I got a full day of work in. Julie came by the office to pick me up at 2 and then we headed to Whistler. We arrived around 6:30 and got to hear about everyone's awesome day. Chris & Heather made us yummy dinner and then we played card games until it was time to go to bed.

Julie & I met at the meeting place for the camp. I decided to rate my skill level high to make sure I was challenged enough and Julie & I ended up in the same group. We went on a scary steep run...the run part wasn't scary. It was having to traverse over a freaking cliff! It won't be so scary once I become a better snowboarder. At least that's what I keep telling myself. We also did some terrain park, riding switch and really fun tree runs. It was a good day. That night, we hooked up with the rest of the crew and ate fabulous sushi. Good times, good times. Tony took some pictures from their heliboarding trip. It was one of the best snowboarding days they have ever had.

Sunday was another day of riding hard and learning new stuff and traversing over another scary steep cliff. Julie says that I am a much better snowboarder now. Yay! Why did I wait until the end of the season to take a lesson? Anyway, everyone else headed back to Seattle on Sunday but Julie and I stayed in Whistler on Sunday night since we didn't want to make the long drive back after a tiresome weekend of boarding. We headed to bed early that night and got up early-ish the next day to head back to Seattle.

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